"The hand of a bride becomes the hand of a mother. ever so gently she cares for her precious child. Bathing, dressing, feeding, comforting -there is no hand like mother's. Nor does its tender care diminish through the years." - Thomas S. Monson
Motherhood is the most life changing experience a female will ever have. It is a journey that takes us to the lowest of lows and highest of highs. Every mother goes through these seasons during this journey of motherhood.... seasons of changes, seasons of joys, seasons of tears. Motherhood can be so hard and yet so wonderful in experience. For me, this journey started on 16 of March 2018 when I joined the squad of Mothers by bringing a small divine light of God into my world! I am talking about the arrival of my baby boy to this world. Like every women in this earth, I too was on cloud nine with the one's arrival. Baby development after birth is a difficult task.And like every newbie mom I was clueless of parenting techniques but I was quite determined that I will come out as master in this field.
At first I was looking for inspiration, encouragement, real life tips and more. I was lucky to found such people around me which made my motherhood a happy journey. I do have a comforting family, this is the biggest and best part of my motherhood. I feel I get my own time too with my husband and for myself as well, as my in laws take very good care of my baby and motivates me to live my life as I wanted it to be.I was and am a happy mom, happy that my darling baby is with me, happy that he is learning and growing at appropriate pace, happy that he is starting to acknowledge my presence and absence now and the list continues to infinity, because I TRULY AM HAPPY to be a mother. But if someone tells you Motherhood is easy peasy, they are definitely lying. Because Motherhood won’t make you feel happy all the time. You might LOVE being a mother, and also experience feelings of resentment, anger, exhaustion, sadness, and overwhelm with all the responsibility. And when you feel all those things, it doesn’t automatically mean that you’re not mothering in the right way, or that you don’t love your kids as much as other women.
I am not depressed and I don’t hate motherhood I adore my child.But it is also true that I have had sleepless nights feeding my baby,innumerous failed attempts to wean her off completely, weird mood swings and "it-was-all-a-mistake" days,;but again when you see that cute little pretty face smiling to you, you forget every pain and grab that bundle of joy and hug him tight. And sometimes when there are phases like motherhood-isn’t-making-me-happy hence something-is wrong-with-me, at that time I stop and remember what my my mother told me few days back when I was having my hard time with the baby that and I quote "Motherhood can be exhausting, frightening, stressful, frustrating, overwhelming, wonderful, awe-inspiring, humbling, exciting, and joyful. It can be all those things separately, and all those things at once. If you feel any or all of those, you’re a normal, good, mother. Nothing is wrong with you." and these are the lines that i keep on remembering at every tough sleepless nights and hectic days, and it actually give strength to me.
So to me Motherhood is a roller coaster ride , that definitely scares the hell out of me at tough times but it is also the pious feeling that makes me who I truly am. "Being a mother is not about what you gave up to have a child, but what you’ve gained from having one.” —Sunny Gupta
Motherhood is the most life changing experience a female will ever have. It is a journey that takes us to the lowest of lows and highest of highs. Every mother goes through these seasons during this journey of motherhood.... seasons of changes, seasons of joys, seasons of tears. Motherhood can be so hard and yet so wonderful in experience. For me, this journey started on 16 of March 2018 when I joined the squad of Mothers by bringing a small divine light of God into my world! I am talking about the arrival of my baby boy to this world. Like every women in this earth, I too was on cloud nine with the one's arrival. Baby development after birth is a difficult task.And like every newbie mom I was clueless of parenting techniques but I was quite determined that I will come out as master in this field.
At first I was looking for inspiration, encouragement, real life tips and more. I was lucky to found such people around me which made my motherhood a happy journey. I do have a comforting family, this is the biggest and best part of my motherhood. I feel I get my own time too with my husband and for myself as well, as my in laws take very good care of my baby and motivates me to live my life as I wanted it to be.I was and am a happy mom, happy that my darling baby is with me, happy that he is learning and growing at appropriate pace, happy that he is starting to acknowledge my presence and absence now and the list continues to infinity, because I TRULY AM HAPPY to be a mother. But if someone tells you Motherhood is easy peasy, they are definitely lying. Because Motherhood won’t make you feel happy all the time. You might LOVE being a mother, and also experience feelings of resentment, anger, exhaustion, sadness, and overwhelm with all the responsibility. And when you feel all those things, it doesn’t automatically mean that you’re not mothering in the right way, or that you don’t love your kids as much as other women.
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I am not depressed and I don’t hate motherhood I adore my child.But it is also true that I have had sleepless nights feeding my baby,innumerous failed attempts to wean her off completely, weird mood swings and "it-was-all-a-mistake" days,;but again when you see that cute little pretty face smiling to you, you forget every pain and grab that bundle of joy and hug him tight. And sometimes when there are phases like motherhood-isn’t-making-me-happy hence something-is wrong-with-me, at that time I stop and remember what my my mother told me few days back when I was having my hard time with the baby that and I quote "Motherhood can be exhausting, frightening, stressful, frustrating, overwhelming, wonderful, awe-inspiring, humbling, exciting, and joyful. It can be all those things separately, and all those things at once. If you feel any or all of those, you’re a normal, good, mother. Nothing is wrong with you." and these are the lines that i keep on remembering at every tough sleepless nights and hectic days, and it actually give strength to me.
So to me Motherhood is a roller coaster ride , that definitely scares the hell out of me at tough times but it is also the pious feeling that makes me who I truly am. "Being a mother is not about what you gave up to have a child, but what you’ve gained from having one.” —Sunny Gupta
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